Carla Earwood Attorney at Law, P.C.

Are you disabled?

If you are disabled and unable to work, call the law office of Carla W. Earwood Attorney at Law, P.C. Our office limits its practice to cases involving Social Security Disablility and SSI.

Ms. Earwood is a member of the State Bar of Texas, the National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives (NOSSCR) and the National Association of Disability Advocates (NADR). Ms. Earwood is board certified in Social Security Disability Law by the National Board of Social Security Disability Advocacy (National Board of Trial Advocacy). Ms. Earwood has successfully represented thousands of claimants before the Social Security Administration. Representation is available across the state and across the nation.


Disability under Social Security regulations is based upon your inability to work. The Social Security Administration will look at your medical condition, age, education, training and work experience to decide whether you are legally able to work.


To qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB), you must have worked long enough and recently enough at employment that is subject to Social Security withholding. The number of work credits needed for disability benefits depends on your age when you became disabled. The amount of benefits is determined by how much you earned when you worked.

SSI eligibility is also determined in part by household income and resources.

REPRESENTATION - How Ms. Earwood Can Help You With Your Case

  • Obtain physicians' statements, hospital records, and other relevant medical evidence to support your case.
  • Request that the Social Security Administration send you to a medical specialist for a consultative examination.
  • Review correspondence sent to you by the Social Security Administration.
  • Make a written or verbal motion to modify your alleged onset date for strategic advantage.
  • Research developing areas of case law.
  • Prepare you to testify in Court.
  • Ask the necessary questions at the hearing to present your case most effectively.
  • Ensure that you receive a fair hearing to present your case.
  • Cross-examine vocational experts or medical experts that appear to testify at your hearing.
  • Request that the Judge issue an on-the-record decision, if appropriate.
  • Lay the proper foundation for remand or reversal on appeal.
  • File an appeal brief with the Appeals Council, if necessary.